Why verify email address?

Why verify email address?

Careful manual checks are not enough when it comes to the validity of a potential customer's email address. Nothing is more important to a foreign trade seller who develops customers through emails than to create their own lead list from scratch and ensure that it is effective. But once you reach a certain level of business growth, it will be very time consuming. You can also outsource this to an outside company or assign someone to handle this task in-house, although you have to make sure they know the ideal customer type (ICP) like the back of their hand.

Otherwise, it's a waste of time. Another option is to order lead lists from companies that offer list building services. However, this will give you very little personalization scheme. There is another way, which is to buy a ready-made list of customer mailboxes, but we don't recommend this at all. This is the fastest and easiest way to get a list of potential clients, but in this case, taking the method of least resistance will do you more harm than good. No matter which method you choose to collect lead data, your mass emails are likely to bounce back. why?

EmailChecker's mailbox verification maintains sender domain reputation

Let's say you've collected a database of 50 potential customers you want to connect with. That doesn't mean your emails will reach all 50 at the same time, though. Some email addresses may be bogus, others - out of date or misspelled. These messages will bounce back. EmailChecker treats them as hard jumps (in the application they are called "invalid"). You already know that not being able to achieve high ratios in bulk emails can negatively impact your email domain reputation and, therefore, the overall effectiveness of your marketing emails. Let's see how the EmailChecker verification tool can help you clean up your email list. After logging in, import your email list, just click Check, and the system will automatically start checking the validity of your customer email. Depending on the size of your mailbox list, you may receive a report of the results in about a few seconds.

Green: Indicates that the email address is valid (indicates that the email is correct and exists)

Red: Valid address is invalid (means the email address does not exist or is no longer valid) Not verifying your email before sending can damage your domain reputation, trust me, it is not easy to regain good reputation. Therefore, verifying the email address is very important for mass mailing. After completing email verification with EmailChecker, you can choose to only send marketing emails to verified target customer email addresses to ensure that the recipients you send are valid. This way you can maintain your email domain reputation!


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